Jeff Flowers on April 21, 2014 0 Comments Just in time for Earth Day, we published this infographic over on our sister site, Whether you’re a homeowner or not, there’s no better time to take a closer look at the amount of energy you use on a daily basis. By using less, you’ll not only save money on your monthly bills, but you’ll also lower your overall energy footprint. Not just on Earth Day, but every day. According to the EPA, home energy use accounts for 27% of the average American’s carbon footprint, even more than driving around in your car. But, as technology advances, appliances have become more and more efficient. It’s easier than ever to use less and save more. Click on Infographic to view larger version. More Money Saving Tips: Energy Efficiency and Window Air Conditioners Supplemental Heating: The Easiest Way to Cut Energy Costs in the Fall & Winter How One Canadian Man Spent $300 And Lowered His Heating Bill 6 Tips to Save Money on Winter Heating Bills